The Magic of the Rose Oil
Bulgarian Rose
The Valley of Roses is a southern sub-mountain region of the Balkan Mountains, located in Bulgaria. Its soil richness, allowing roses to grow and take over the landscape, has deserved a world-wide recognition. The magic of the region was also recognized by the Thracian tribes, which chose the area for the valley of the Thracian Kings.
The Bulgarian Rose- Rosa Damascena, contains over 280 components, making its aroma, intricacy and longevity extremely precious. Due to its properties, the Bulgarian rose is demanded and purchased by the most famous parfume houses in the world. It's also highly used for a plethora of international cosmetics and medical brands.
Rose Oil
50 000 petals or around 1500 roses (7-8 lbs.) are needed for the make of just 1mg of pure rose oil. This extensive and expensive process has earned rose oil its nickname "liquid gold."
The rose picking process in preparation for the make of the oil is fascinating itself. It starts in Mid-May with it being the happiest and busiest of times for the rose farmers. The picking begins at 4am and finishes at 10am each day, as the morning petals have 50% more oil concentrate then those picked in the afternoon.
The Benefits of rose oil
The rose oil is deemed to have numerous health benefits. Here are some of the main use cases.
Pain Relief
Used in aromatherapy, rose oil is deemed to reduce pain. This could be related to rose oil's ability to induce endorphins or the so-called 'feel good' hormone.
Menstrual Discomfort Relief
Used for abdominal massages, rose oil is deemed to have the ability to reduce mentrual cramps.
Anxiety and Stress Relief
Applied on skin, rose oil is deemed ro reduce stress and anxiety by lowering blood pressure, heart rates, breathing rates, and cortisol levels.
Antibacterial Properties
The oil is found to be effective in fighting bacteria such as E. coli as well as Candida albicans, which causes fungal infections in the mouth and gut.
Afrodisiac Properties
More so in men and less so in women, the dopamine induced by the rose oil is said to decrease anxiety and to increase sexual desire.
Easing Depression
The aromatherapy applied to a focused group of women, who were suffering from postpartum depression, was proven to be effective in enhancing their emotional state.
Again, related to the dopamine release, the chemical is deemed to play a key role in relieving depression.
How to use rose oil
Here are some of the most widely used application techniques:
Rose oil bath
Add 10 drops of essential rose oil to a carrier oil. Add the mixture in a warm tub and soak in.
Foot bath
Add a few drops of diluted rose oil into a food bath and soak your feet for 10 minutes.
You can do inhalations, using a diffuser or rub the oil onto chest and neck to reduce anxiety and stress.