Healthy Homemade Mayonnaise

Making healthy mayonnaise at home is simple and allows you to control the ingredients. Here are 2 recipes for homemade healthy mayonnaise:

#1 Healthy Homemade Mayonnaise


- 1 cup light olive oil or avocado oil
- 1 large egg, at room temperature
- 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
- 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
- Salt and pepper to taste
- Optional: a pinch of garlic powder or a squeeze of lemon juice for added flavor


1. Prepare Ingredients: Make sure the egg is at room temperature. This helps with the emulsification process.

2. Blend Egg and Mustard: In a blender or food processor, combine the egg and Dijon mustard. Blend until well mixed.

3. Slowly Add Oil: With the blender or food processor running, very slowly start adding the oil in small increments. This is crucial for proper emulsification. Take your time, and let the mixture thicken before adding more oil.

4. Incorporate Vinegar: Once the mixture has thickened, add the apple cider vinegar and continue blending.

5. Season to Taste: Add salt and pepper to taste. If desired, add a pinch of garlic powder or a squeeze of lemon juice for extra flavor.

6. Adjust Consistency: If your mayo is too thick, you can add a little warm water, one teaspoon at a time, until you reach your desired consistency.

7. Store in a Jar: Transfer the mayonnaise to a clean, airtight jar.

8. Refrigerate: Refrigerate the mayonnaise for at least 30 minutes before using to allow it to thicken further.

Note: This mayo is best consumed within a week. Always check the freshness of the egg if storing for an extended period.


#2 Vegan Aquafaba Mayonnaise


- 1/2 cup aquafaba (liquid from a can of chickpeas or other white beans)
- 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
- 1 cup neutral-flavored oil (such as light olive oil or sunflower oil)
- 1 tablespoon white wine vinegar or apple cider vinegar
- Salt to taste


1. Prepare Aquafaba: Drain the liquid from a can of chickpeas or other white beans. This liquid is called aquafaba.

2. Whip Aquafaba: In a bowl, whip the aquafaba using an electric mixer until it forms stiff peaks. This may take several minutes.

3. Add Mustard: Gently fold in the Dijon mustard.

4. Slowly Add Oil: With the mixer running, very slowly start adding the oil in a thin stream. This is similar to the traditional mayonnaise process. Continue until all the oil is incorporated.

5. Incorporate Vinegar: Add the vinegar and mix until well combined.

6. Season to Taste: Add salt to taste. Adjust the seasoning according to your preferences.

7. Store in a Jar: Transfer the aquafaba mayo to a clean, airtight jar.

8. Refrigerate: Refrigerate the mayo for at least 30 minutes before using. This allows it to thicken.

Note: This vegan mayo has a lighter color compared to traditional mayo, but it's just as creamy and delicious.

Enjoy your homemade healthy mayonnaise!
You can use it as a base and experiment
with different flavors to suit your taste preferences.